Super lightweight flip-up welding helmet with automatic shade level adjustment makes welding much more comfortable and easy.
With a shade level range from 5 to 14 and fully automatic adjustment, the optrel liteflip autopilot chieves a new level of performance. All work sequences, such as measuring, testing, grinding, and other welding applications, can be handled with-out any manual adjustments at the helmet. And of course, without displacing the helmet itself. The welder is always protected perfectly.
Super lightweight flip-up welding helmet with automatic shade level adjustment makes welding much more comfortable and easy.
With a shade level range from 5 to 14 and fully automatic adjustment, the optrel liteflip autopilot chieves a new level of performance. All work sequences, such as measuring, testing, grinding, and other welding applications, can be handled with-out any manual adjustments at the helmet. And of course, without displacing the helmet itself. The welder is always protected perfectly.